
React Alien Signals

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React Alien Signals is a TypeScript library that provides hooks built on top of Alien Signals. It offers a seamless integration with React, ensuring concurrency-safe re-renders without tearing.

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  • Basic Signals: Create and manage reactive state with createSignal.
  • Computed Signals: Derive reactive values based on other signals using createComputed.
  • Effects & Effect Scopes: Run side effects in response to state changes with createEffect and manage multiple effects with createSignalScope.
  • Async Signals: Handle asynchronous state with createAsyncComputed and createAsyncEffect.
  • Computed Collections: Manage reactive arrays and sets with createComputedArray and createComputedSet.
  • Equality Computed: Optimize re-renders with createEqualityComputed.
  • React Integration: Utilize React hooks like useSignal, useSignalValue, and useSetSignal for seamless state management.
  • TypeScript Support: Fully typed APIs for type safety and IntelliSense.

Install react-alien-signals and its peer dependency alien-signals via npm:

npm install react-alien-signals alien-signals

Create a writable signal and use it within your components.

import React from "react";
import { createSignal, useSignal } from "react-alien-signals";

const countSignal = createSignal(0);

function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useSignal(countSignal);

return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>

export default Counter;

Derive reactive values based on other signals.

import React from "react";
import {
} from "react-alien-signals";

const countSignal = createSignal(1);
const doubleCount = createComputed(() => countSignal.get() * 2);

function Display() {
const double = useSignalValue(doubleCount);

return <div>Double Count: {double}</div>;

export default Display;

Run side effects in response to state changes and manage multiple effects.

import React from "react";
import {
} from "react-alien-signals";

const countSignal = createSignal(0);

function Logger() {
const scope = useSignalScope(); => {
createEffect(() => {
console.log("Count changed:", countSignal.get());

return null;

export default Logger;

Handle asynchronous state with async computed signals and effects.

import React from "react";
import {
} from "react-alien-signals";

const dataSignal = createSignal("initial");

const asyncData = unstable_createAsyncComputed<string>(async function* () {
yield dataSignal;
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.text();
return data;

function AsyncDisplay() {
const data = unstable_useAsyncComputedValue(asyncData);

return <div>Async Data: {data ?? "Loading..."}</div>;

export default AsyncDisplay;

Manage reactive arrays and sets.

import React from "react";
import {
} from "react-alien-signals";

const numbersSignal = createSignal([1, 2, 3]);
const doubledNumbers = unstable_createComputedArray(
(itemSignal) => () => itemSignal.get() * 2,

const numberSetSignal = createSignal(new Set([1, 2]));
const doubledSet = unstable_createComputedSet(numberSetSignal);

function CollectionsDisplay() {
const doubled = useSignalValue(doubledNumbers);
const doubledSetValue = useSignalValue(doubledSet);

return (
<p>Doubled Numbers: {doubled.join(", ")}</p>
<p>Doubled Set: {[...doubledSetValue].join(", ")}</p>

export default CollectionsDisplay;

React Alien Signals provides several hooks to interact with signals:

  • useSignal(signal): Returns [value, setValue].
  • useSignalValue(signal): Returns the current value (read-only).
  • useSetSignal(signal): Returns a setter function (write-only).
  • useSignalEffect(effectFn): Runs a side effect based on signal changes.
  • useSignalScope(): Manages effect scopes within a component.
  • unstable_useAsyncComputedValue(asyncComputed): Retrieves the value from an async computed signal.
  • unstable_useAsyncEffect(asyncEffectFn): Runs an asynchronous effect.

Contributions are welcome! Please read the Contributing Guidelines before getting started.